ESCAPE OSSR CodeMeta generator

This tool helps you create a CodeMeta.json file for your software. Note however that it is not exhaustive and other fields can be manually added in your file following the CodeMeta schema.

Most fields are optional. Mandatory fields will be highlighted when generating Codemeta.

The software itself

the software title

from SPDX licence list

Discoverability and citation

such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc..

grant funding software development

organization funding software development

Authors and contributors can be added below
Development community / tools

Run-time environment

Current version of the software

Additional Info

see for details

Authors (add at least one)
Contributors (optional, order does not matter)
Maintainer (required)


      Note that you can validate your generated codemeta.json with the  eOSSR CLI tool